Friday, July 5, 2013

"the dream" and my inability of choosing correct wording. (NSFW wording)

Wow maple a blog not only can it be linked to le reddit it can also be used for damage control!

tl;dr I think we're better than our current score and that we'll turn it around soon
        Sorry for the rash and spiteful comments towards reddit
        and a bunch of excuses of why I'm an idiot which a tldr would fail to suffice

Well obviously I'm an idiot. Reading reddit post losses or really anything related to us is usually negative. Maybe I'm delusional about our play but I always felt when we played those games that we had a really good shot at winning. Besides the TSM game 1 it never felt like the game was endlessly slipping away. I felt like we had leads in many games and our poor teamfighting lost us games. Most of our encouragement we got was by our coach and manager and it was great to win the first game of the season against CLG. Doublelift's intro became a rather hilarious cult video and we were super happy. Unfortunately later games would always have one or two players misplaying many situations, and to be fair I am the biggest thrower in one of the games this season. The Dignitas game one when of course we had a massive inhibitor advantage and my poor positioning resulted in me dying first over and over. I felt like shit that I deserved it because my team had gotten us a great lead and I couldn't do the easiest job in the game. I choked hard on that day and it really bothers me. I feel alone on my team since I am depressed and to me winning is the only relevant thing to me. In the games we mostly played teamfights poorly or made bad decisions and its never really the fault of NK or Vile in terms of shotcalling because postloss it always feels super obvious and super dumb that mistakes were made at those points. I always read up on reddit, gamefaqs, teamliquid and very rarely GD. Though outside of reddit there isn't a massive amount of content to sweep through. One person on Reddit said we got twice as much love as hate which I'd love to argue against and spam excuses but thats not the point of this blog.

The general perception of the public is that LCS is like living the dream. I made a goal many months ago. August 5th 2012 is a very special day for me, back then I was gold elo and slowly climbing, I had no clue what I wanted to do in the future even though I finished my 2 years of college. However on that day I watched MLG Summer Arena, it was very special since it was the first time ever(?) that a Korean team ventured to North America to play League of Legends. I remember watching Xpecial murder Reapered with Janna, I remember Deman's shoutcasting of "big bomb comes on his face" when Chaox kills off Cpt Jack at bottom inhib turret. After watching TSM go 0-6 (not many people remember but the whole venue mysteriously lost power when TSM was slowly losing the decisive game.) I wanted to play against the highest level of players. I played my ass off and in ~40 days I reached my peak S2 elo of 2560. I always felt as a region that we are not that far behind the others and the whole public persona that puts us down motivated me to try to go competitive. 

Maybe in a nutshell I am playing for fame maybe I lashed out cause we never got that fame in the first few weeks of LCS but I know that we're not a shit hopeless team. When I read that SK gaming article saying we didn't deserve to be in LCS I was pissed. I'm fucking mad cause I know we can win these games. When I fuck up I deserve all the hate but when we win I want to celebrate. Besides looking ugly and having no friends and being hated for kicking out MRN etc etc. I want to fucking feel alive because doesn't everyone? I suffer everyday from my issues, I've been depressed most of my life. I've contemplated suicide 3 times(...) I've never really had goals or dreams growing up. I was always told that going to SAIT was the college  for dummies and I ended up going there. I was always pushed to enroll in a Bilingual (English/French) school when I hated the language and I lost all my English friends when I was 11. I was always awkward and a class clown. That's just my perspective... I know personally that others have issues, in high elo alone I know even more horrible stories its unbelievable this world. I know people would could've easily been murdered without ever having a chance to truly live but I'm selfish. This is about me and  deep inside of me I want to refuse being treated like dirt I may constantly acknowledge that I deserve it and that the truly good players will rise to the top but somewhere deep inside of me I must want to break free. Our chance is coming, I feel like my passion and my will to win cannot be denied. I want to go to worlds, I want to compete at the highest level. I don't care about the money, I might just want to obtain glory for our region as a whole.Cause world's is where everybody is going to watch. World's is going to be the biggest event in history of esports. 

Reddit isn't that bad. I guess I grossly exaggerated it. It was really bad of me to go out of my way to post on my own terms such hate towards the community. Someone even paid for Deezer to fly out for the ipl6 replacement (where we got crushed... bad karma? lol) They offered plenty of advice and help when it came to finding a house and really since we've moved in I don't see us being complacent and unmoving when it comes to our LCS standing. I definitely fucked up there and I apologize I'm not a master of public speaking so my attitude varies from extremes and I often use words with harsher meanings that what I really want to say at the end of the day. Sorry~ if you have questions feel free to ask below while I hide like a coward from Reddit. Cause that's who I am fucked up like everyone else swag. hope the formatting doesnt suuuuck.


  1. Don't feel like you have no friends at all. You have a team aka a family. Better than friends. I'm just another fan but I understand what you've gone through in depression since I have myself. Don't give up! The best is yet to come. I'll even be a friend. :D get 'em maplestreet!!!

    1. Yeah it was rash, felt rather distant from it all but now I feel a lot better. Thanks for your support! :D

  2. I think you're awesome maplestreet. We met at mlg and you're our group's favorite pro. Keep working hard towards your goals, just like you did Aug. 5 2012. Work on that positioning and CARRY THOSE FUCKING GAMES!

    1. I'll definitely work on not being a moron xD. Gonna carry the hell out of our god NK cause I've experienced how annoying it is to jungle for a losing team.

  3. Maple, you are probably a lot stronger than you accredit. Ignore the haters, and use them as fuel to push yourself and your team to do better. Show people what VES is all about and prove to them that you are in the LCS because you deserve to be there. <3 VES :D

    1. <3 probably but I was super depressed that week though I feel a lot better now. Thanks for your support.

  4. Whether you fuck up or not Maplestreet I'll always cheer on for you, your ability to stand strong until now shows that you have a strong heart and that your'e really passionate towards this game and career. Just keep your thick skin, you gotta have some thick skin to block out the haters.

    Keep going man, you can definitely do this, your'e a Wyllie :)


    1. Well I got a lot off my chest so I can only grow from here :)

  5. Not gonna lie, velocity isn't my favorite team, but I really like you as a player. It's good to hear how hard you want to work for the goal of worlds and to play at the highest level. You're an amazing player and deserve better than the hate that everyone throws around when a team does poorly. Good luck man. ^ ^

    1. Yea... I think if I'm deserving of it I'll be on a world class team eventually. Whether its velocity or not I'll keep on chasing that dream.

  6. So you are looking for pity now, you obviously aren't strong enough mentally to be in this profession, and i seriously think you should reconsider your future in E-Sports. Haters aren't just going to disappear because you start winning, they will always be there, and as League of Legends grows and expands so will the haters. You seem to be mentally unstable and I imagine this will also take a toll on your game play. With the mindset you have right now i cant imagine you to be in a good state of mind to perform any better in the upcoming LCS matches.

    1. Dude having an opinion does warrant a "go fuck yourself".
      To be honest, his opinion in my eyes is very valid, he has the right mindset but his mentality is seemingly holding him back. Now, either leave feedback on the situation or "go fuck yourself lol".

    2. He's not looking for pity. He's getting shit off his chest and issuing a public apology for the things he said about Reddit (which aren't that far from true). Unless you're a psychological therapist, GTFO. He's still young, still forging his own way through life. Your "concern" for how his mental state will affect his gameplay is thinly-veiled at best.

    3. A guy is open about what he's feeling and the things he's going through and he gets bashed by someone who hides behind a name on the internet. Classy. The "lol go fuck yourself" is most definitely warranted for kids like that. Especially kids that think they know what they're talking about.

    4. Wow, completely inappropriate. This is the most open a pro has ever been about personal issues, you have no right to tell him that his feelings invalidate his talent.

    5. NAaaaaaaah I think growing as a person will make me stronger. Knowing now that I'm not like putting up a phony front will undoubtedly make my self esteem higher.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Keep your head up buddy you will do great. I am not even a fan of your team but I believe in you because you made it man, you are living the dream that many would sell their soul for. I know the public and the media can be terrible, look how every portrays regi and SV. Regardless the people who bitch are jealous of you, don't ever forget that.

    I wish you the best man just keep your head up and I know that you will be fine. Smile, life is good =)

    1. I probably sold my soul for it but I think I'll get it back with only two more wins oO. Thanks for your support =)

  9. hey maple, i'm a big fan of yours. thank you for opening up, it means a lot to me.
    i messaged you on facebook a few weeks ago trying to be friends with you. you didn't reply and i didn't wanna try again for fear of being a creepy fan girl.

    i'm confident you will rise to the top in time.

    - samantha

  10. Dude seriously if you're ever in the montreal area of quebec gimme a shout and I will find you and I will hug you.
    or lower Ontario because I may be at my actual house (here for school)and I really want to hug you.

  11. Don't worry MapleStreet you have fans, including me cheering you on as well. But now that you're a professional (and like other professionals of many other sports) I think you need to just have a little bit of a thicker skin and a idgaf about what others say attitude. I mean of course it's easier said than done but I think you can pull it off!

  12. ODDBRO! We love you! NEVER forget about the people to DO admire both you and your team!~

    You ARE living the dream that millions of people WORLDWIDE would kill for.

    You've hit your dream, just remember...don't EVER let it go. Persevere through the many people who insult you and/or your team. You ARE an awesome player, again, irregardless of what others think of you.

    Good luck with ALL your endeavours, people will always be rooting for you


    1. meh people would kill for it but the journey didn't make me happy. Of course we're going for a strong finish and I do think we'll make it ^^.

  13. I think at one point, your brother was taking a lot of crap too during Season 1. In fact, I remember a lot of streamers that used to just rage and get frustrated. However, imagine yourself being an athlete in professional basketball. Lebron James takes the most crap from anyone and a lot of basketball fans will boo him. He's considered the best, but due to his "decision" a few years ago, he still takes a lot of crap from anyone. When he does something wrong, people will shun him, but it doesn't affect him at all. He shakes it off and well, they won the NBA Finals.

    I know how hard you are on yourself during Solo Queue. I remember you dreading facing RobertxLee before his amnesia. Then one game, you put your head down and kept on blaming yourself. However, this is a time to learn how to be strong. It's probably the best thing to happen to you if you look at it as an opportunity to fight your depression.

    People hide behind their computers to bash those who have something they don't have. In this case, it's being able to play League competitively. You already know VES is struggling, but you're already better than 90% of League players.

    Sure, you don't have Pr0lly but I remember you guys beating C9 during the earlier days of the MLG Rising Stars tournaments. I think you guys were still having fun during that time, and I think it's time to continue doing so.

    You're doing something you love, keep at it.

    1. before c9 became little korea xD. I do think its still possible a lower tier team such as ourselves can beat them and with a few solid weeks we can easily turn around our crappy start.

  14. I really hope that you never give up your dream. I think its amazing that you worked so hard to get to where you are now while you were depressed. I hate seeing all those comments about the pro players. Its like nothing is too mean to say, and a lot of the time if you try to defend yourself people will say even worse things. I know its hard to ignore the bad comments, those are usually the ones that stand out the most. But I do want to say that I think you are awesome. I think that you have what it takes to become the best adc in the world. Screw the guy that says your mentally unstable and unable to play in the LCS. I think you are a fucking beast and deserve LCS. You worked and pushed your self through some of the worst feelings in the world to get to where you are now. No one gets to take that away from you.
    So just know that even if people say they hate you. For every one of them, there is someone like me who you inspired.

    1. pretty much, though I think my post did make everything a little bit better. thanks for your support.

  15. In 40 days... wow. Maple, don't be so harsh on yourself. You've made it this far, and you deserve more. Keep pushing and and claw your way to your dreams. I believe in you, and you deserve it.

    1. I went pretty ham on a champion nobody knew how to play against lol.

  16. SAIT Grad here son..tbh the personal shit are doing what you want to be doing which 99% of people never do...look at it like that and lose you lose..although on a grand least you are on that grand stage man..all of us just watch and wish..Southern AB represent and we are cheering for you Ainslie...just have fun and do you're best sir...thats all you can control

    1. 99% of the people would rather spend their time on an actual job. Look at the total time invested in this vs an actual job. Most professional players play for about a year probably 5-10 hours a day just to get a full-time paying job the other year (which isn't even guaranteed that you will keep it). You shouldn't publicly state that you went to SAIT either because wasting money on an associates degree is pretty much the same as getting a bachelors in an arts program. I'd honestly be ashamed to go into a 2 year technical school program when you could have taken a year off to take actual academic programs and work your ass off for good grades to towards an actual degree

    2. Spewing poison and lies about degrees that will help get jobs later in life is mean. Stop.

    3. I took the only road that I thought would make me eventually achieve satisfaction as a human being.

  17. Dear maplestreet,

    Even though you only see me as an internet persona, I wish I could meet you in person to be given a shot at becoming friends. Being able to call you one of my friends would make me very happy. Anyways, continue trying, you've come so far and have made it to the LCS, that's a big achievement not very many players will be able to say they've gotten. You and your team are in the LCS because you deserve to be there, you just need to focus on the problems your team is facing and work on them. I believe in you maple.

  18. Hey buddy,

    I read this whole thing and I understand being hard on yourself but I think you are giving yourself too little credit. Sometimes it is hard to win these games. You are playing with the best; however, I think you can do it. It is very obvious you are dedicated. I think you can go very far. Your strive to win will get you places but your mentality must change. I think if you stay positive, it will reflect on your playstyle. I know how the whole depression thing works as I have gone through it myself and it does not help. It always makes you think less of yourself but I can tell you are much greater than that. I wish the best and I totally wish I was able to go MLG Anaheim to get your autograph. Hopefully one day. You seem like an awesome guy.

    1. <3 yeah I feel a lot better now though so I'm glad I made the post. I hope to see you one day as well.

  19. You are not ugly. Really. I think you and Oddone (I have a thing for Wylies, it turns out) are just super lovely. It breaks my heart to hear you say that.

    I have been so excited to see you in the LCS. I cannot imagine how stressful your job must be. You are brave to face reddit in these trying times. Yes, sadly, people are fucking horrible (especially online), and it might be best to just stay away from the hate (but please don't forget that you are loved). I'm so sorry to hear about your emotional health, and I wish you the very very very best.

    One of my dreams in life would be to attend something like MLG and be able to meet you, even if it's only for a few seconds to get you to sign as many things as I can get away with.

    1. lol temporarily at least reddit is better it might even stay that way though. I'll definitely sign almost anything you throw at me.

  20. Maplestreet, I have only recently heard of you but reading this, I am completely in awe by you. You show that pro players take a lot of shit that they really don't deserve. But you know what? You have made if further than any of these people who are tearing you down. Your team has so much potential and deserve to be in the LCS. I honestly feel that, if you guys keep working at it and building your relationships that you will make it to worlds and show that the NA Circuit is on the top of the charts.

    I'll be rooting for you guys all the way!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hello, Maple - I am not a League of Legends player who is very adept at our culture of "root for *insert flavor of the month player here" while "demoralizing *insert professional player" here.

    I never have any preferential treatment for most players. However, I will compliment them all on their valued skills at this game we all enjoy. Even if a team under-performs, it's not their fault as this is a team game with a myriad of variables that could lead to a loss. As such, I believe it is unfair to treat any player as you are being treated.

    In truth, people are idiots. The league of legends community is comprised of toxic, fickle, morons who have no grasp or understanding of mechanics that you should proudly acknowledge. The opinions of these sheep change so quickly that in the grand scheme of things none of these negative experiences matter.

    What does matter is you, your team, your performance. I firmly believe you guys play great, are extremely innovative, and some of the friendliest guys ever. You and your team are a family and they will support you no matter what, if anything you are the cornerstone of Velocity. When people think of that team they think of the mechanically impressive "maplestreet" (not to discredit the rest of Velocity, of course).

    I'm currently in Plat 5, and players like you are why I strive to work towards Diamond every single day so I can interact with players like you whom have taught me since Wood 5. Your streams, lcs matches, blog posts, etc. are all motivation to better myself as a player. As your fan, you are one of my favorite ADCs in the game and if I even come close to being on the same level then I must be doing something right with my life.

    I was in a similar position growing up myself. I had no friends, couldn't speak English because I transferred to the United States when I was 6, and whenever I did make a friend, my parents' lack of income forced us to move to multiple schools. I was an outcast, constantly bullied, had absolutely no self-esteem or confidence and actually considered suicide multiple times myself. However, eventually (after high school), I met up with my best friend (future roommate) and what I would consider my equivalent of an LCS team. These group of guys showed me that it is possible to escape from the bleaker, more depressing recesses of life.

    I write this obnoxiously long comment because I can sympathize with you. Of course, I can't completely understand what you're going through but I write this in the hopes that you read it, and it brightens your day a little. Think of me as weird or whatever but I sincerely hope that you get better and everything goes uuber great for you.

    After all, with your hard work, dedication, and talents - the sky is the limit. If you're looking for fame; don't, you've already achieved it and you're a great player who doesn't need it. Tune out the nonsense (and *cliched never give up), Maple.
    - from one of the millions of millions players who don't matter.

    1. well you do matter since it was a very nice post and I'm very happy for you and hope more good times are ahead for you too. Thanks a lot for writing that up!

  23. I know it's hard, but don't listen to the haters. Your fans are your friends. We love you and know what you are capable of. The last two weeks you have shown us and we can only expect that to improve with time practicing as a team. Look forward to your many years in the LCS.

    P.S - You're not ugly, don't be so down on yourself. If you ever need anyone to talk to just turn to us, your fans.

  24. Dear Maplestreet,

    I first met you at MLG Anaheim with my friend Gabriel, we were both rockin' Velocity t-shirts and even sitting in VIP with Brian (your Manager) in supporting you guys! I know that you guys may not be at your strong point right now, but there's a reason why my friend and I chose to support Velocity over any other team competing there that weekend. It's because we saw the passion you guys have for this game and the yearning to become the best.

    This is just the start for you guys and PLEASE don't give up just because you may think that you're "socially awkward" or "weird". To be honest, you're one of the goddamned coolest people I've ever met :) and one hell of an AD Carry to go with it.

    Now take your gaming house and your team and DO SOME WORK. I'll always be supporting you guys through thick and thin because I know you guys will make it.

    Much Love and Respect
    Bryan "Zyto" Ybanez

    1. yeah I think the next few weeks we'll show a lot of resilience and close out games better.

  25. You're realizing a dream you have which is something not a lot of people can say...the feeling of loneliness is harsh but look to family look to your team..It'll get easier if you make it so.Like you said their are people who have had harder lives but it's not always possible to relate to their problems.At the age of 11 I moved away from my parents to my aunts cause they were addicted to drugs and we lived in a motor home.Not a lot of people can relate to my story but I resented every kid around me with parents cause that's what i longed for,even today i get angry but you just gotta keep your head up and push through this life and go after what you want...i know i will never let my kids down like my parents did...I hope everything works out for you maple cause you deserve it if you think you do,just never give up..

    "May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face.
    And may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars."

    1. I hope your situation gets better as it goes on and thanks for dropping an insightful quote :p

  26. Hey Maple.

    I'm in no way a pro player or anything close to it, but in my opinion the best way to treat all this hate and flame is to ignore big parts of it. Many competitive players have to go through this (e.g. Cop in the last week. The only critic you should take serious is the konstruktive one - saying "he just sux" doesnt help you obviously; especially when you're trying to improve your skills etc.
    Otherwise this whole thing will take you down; let you underperform and feel even worse after a mistake. Moreover selfcritizism is good, but too much of it will slow you down in terms of improvement :P

    Imo you earned your spot in the LCS. You are new to the competitive LoL-scene and I guess you have to still learn a lot, but I see you as a capable player :)
    -from the second of the millions of millions players

    P.S. I'm not a psychologist or sth; these are just my honest thoughts on you

    1. pretty much, though nowadays we get a lot more support and I feel better personally about what I do.

  27. Just my thoughts on all of this. I was originally was not rooting for you or MRN but I leaned towards rooting for MRN because I had heard of some of the players on that team, but then I saw you guys play games where you make a huge gamble by playing an all push comp. And that's when I switched boats right away. I wanted the underdogs to win and was very happy for your team when you guys qualified.

    I don't have any siblings and it always makes me happy to see that you are pursuing the same things as your brother. It also makes me happy that he showed up to root for you.

    As a future teacher, I encourage you to try not to put extra stress in your life. It is not worth it. Life is short and you should enjoy it. Also, don't listen to those that say you're a dummie for going to a less known college. What ever college you go to and what ever career you pursue, do it for yourself and don't listen to those people.

    I wish you the best of luck. Take care.

    1. Yeah the stress isn't worth it, I never really opened up before so I was never rewarded with important life lessons that I'm sure some of the teachers I knew would help me with. I hope you become a great teacher and thank you for your support.

  28. Hey Maple,

    I saw what happened during that shit storm on reddit earlier and from what I saw no one handled it well. It was a biased, conflict hungry mess and I don't blame you for reacting the way you did. Reading this blog has honestly made you one of my favorite LCS players, you gave people something to connect with. What you said about what you dealt with in school and depression and suicide and all that is the kind of stuff I'm dealing with right now and I turn to league to get away from it all. Knowing that there's someone that has been through depression like this and still achieved a goal that'd I'd love to achieve myself gives me that hope. No matter what happens throughout the rest of the LCS, with the community and everything else, you got my respect man. If I ever finish this long crawl up to diamond I'd love to queue up with you sometime. Lastly on Velocity as a whole I think the key thing is just timing, you're all obviously very talented players and once you get some more experience together those synergies down you'll be up with the best of the best and causing some upsets and pushing some veteran teams off the world stage. Best of luck to you Maple and the rest of Velocity too.


    1. thanks for supporting our team, I wish you best of luck in your endeavors.

  29. I've contemplated suicide 3 times(...) I've never really had goals or dreams growing up. I was always told that going to SAIT was the college for dummies and I ended up going there. I was always pushed to enroll in a Bilingual (English/French) school when I hated the language and I lost all my English friends when I was 11. I was always awkward and a class clown. That's just my perspective... I know personally that others have issues, in high elo alone I know even more horrible stories its unbelievable this world. I know people would could've easily been murdered without ever having a chance to truly live but I'm selfish.

    You need to delete this shit RIGHT NOW. As a "professional" player this is the sort of shit you DON'T air to the public. If you have these sort of issues you talk to a psychologist, You don't just throw this shit out there all willy nilly. Grow up a little bit and get some respect for yourself, and others.....Delete that paragraph AND DEAL WITH THIS SHIT, GET YOUR MIND STRAIGHT!

    1. Would you say the same thing to him if he said that he was struggling with cancer? Why do you treat mental illness differently from physical illness? Neither is a choice.

  30. To be honest its hard to say you're the best team in LCS right now (no on exept C9 can say that)but you're definitely not the worst. You guys have some really solid games just like the other teams. Since you got a bad start, I believe TheOddOne said that all of you didn't even have computers at one point. But you seem to improve every game. And I dont know how anyone could hate anyone in VES, you all seem so like-able.I don't really know why SK gaming posted that since SK is probably the worst team in their region. If you improve like you are now, I don't know why you shouldn't deserve world's.

    1. tru dat. Yeah we didn't exactly prove our worth yet but I think we'll turn it around.

  31. Alright, with the shit storm that has been going on i dont think any of our comments will be unread, and for a personal post i would like to post a personal kind of answer.

    On a personal point of view :

    Velocity E-sports You are the only team i actually bother rooting for (And i have been following the scene for quiiiiiite a long time) I dont even live in the us and i go tru the trouble of staying up to 3 or 4 am to watch the games. Like pro players said You are all very likeable people, and thats exacly what i feel, when the shoutcasters are calling out the laners ( Vileroze taking the midlane, mapplestreet on ad etc.. ) I honestly feel like i enjoy rooting for you, its just something i cant explain, when they are calling you guys out and they get to vile and he fills the camera xD or they show the team shot and you (mapple) seem to be nervouly laughing xD.

    On a professional point of view :

    As a team, you have nothing wrong. First of all, yes you are pros, yes you are in the lcs, but that doesnt change the fact that you are playing against 4 teams that exist with that almost same roster for YEARS, 2 teams that have a gaming house for a couple of months now and went tru the first part of the season, and the one that is left (C9) that just got in had a gaming house even before they entered the lcs. From first analysis it already doesnt look good. Second of all, your games havent been ridiculous at all, From a viewer point of view, we get to separate the match in 2 parts, the one where you guys mess up a teamfight or positioning or a decision, and the other part, where your AHEAD. 2 things, one is getting stomped, no plays made, no advantage was had. Another very diferent thing is being ahead, messing something up and losing. And out of those 2 things the first one implies they were better, and the second one is a mix of decision making and/or teamcomp/champions power curve.

    On a final note:
    I said most of what i wanted to say, me like many people including you, thought bout killing themselvs or in my case even got arround to hurting themselvs, having videogames as most of what made us happy, cuz in the real world i have to put up with people that i dont feel like looking at. Just as a personal opinion, on camera it looks like you guys know the just of what your doing, but arent extremly confortable with a total plan of what to do if this or that happens, i may or may not be wrong by saying that.
    Be confident. You know what 100% of the teams that go on the big big stage ( ie. Worlds ), Passion, As a very pacionate person myself that has played online tournaments before (just to say iam not just speeling shit out of the blue, and by no means am i saying what i have done is better than what you have achieved), Ainslie, Passion and talent are held by us shy people for a long time, but we dont hold it forever, when those atributes outshine shyness They burst out along with something called Brilliance.

    Long and personal post, long and personal answer. Hope it doesnt get lost.

    1. heh thank you for the motivational speech. I won't ever give up though and throw in the towel because I want to win :p

  32. Hey Maple.

    I know you may not see this message. I know you're busy with LCS and all.

    But I want you to know that you're really not alone. I read your entire blog and realized we're very alike. I have thought of suicide many many times, even recently, and I'm also that guy in my year who is the awkward, less socially-capable person.

    The few friends i have managed to make (online, of course, as I'm pretty much nothing without the protection of the internet) have helped me realize that, even though I don't feel it 99.9% of the time, that I do in fact have value as an individual.

    If you ever are in need of a friend to talk to, add me on Skype.

    I may just be a nobody to you, but sometimes a nobody is the best person to vent at. Especially if your problems are similar.

    My Skype is liquifiedorgasms. I'm nearly always here to talk to.

    Take care of yourself, maple. You will slowly getting out of your slump.

    From a concerned fan,

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Man this stuff really hits me. I always am a failure in anything i try, and i am socially awkward just as you, and hearing you have these personal problems is surprising because of how happy you look. Ever since i saw your stream on twitch, I've always clicked to watch your stream, even though i never type in chat much, i always have your stream full screened watching you play kickass, you look like you've played for ages. I never knew you could be depressed about losing in the LCS, because you made it to the freaking LCS! tbh each and every game you guys have played, even though i may not have shouted it, there was a little bit inside of me that wanted you guys to win those games (even tho my fav is c9 for their playstyle), i see improvement for you guys! Remember how vulcun and coast were a version of you last split? look at them now! They worked their asses off, and vulcun is now #2. I really hope the same happens to you guys. Even if you guys end up losing the split, you are still a role model in my eyes for knowing you started league in 2012 and in one year you became a professional gives me hopes i can achieve a decent elo (plat) within a year of playing. and PLEASE stay in the scene and STREAM more, because it's really enjoyable watching you play and your hilarious/awkward comments.


    1. heck yea! I'll try to stream more but I'm stuck in scrims half the time and my body isn't particularly healthy so I don't have much energy ._. doh.

  35. Well I dont know what to say exactly besides I completely understand where youre coming from and I dont know if you talk to fans or read this but if you ever want hit me up on skype im a 16 kid just graduated highschool going to college next year hope we could talk and game out together! I am looking to go pro one day as well and if I could get your opinion if I had a chance that would mean a lot.
    skype: ryan.matticks96
    IGN: Im Ryaan

  36. you can do it. just keep positive.

  37. Man, you're beautiful and most adorable player of LCS!
    Your smile makes people happy, best wishes!

  38. Oh, Maplestreet.

    I'm not too good at advice but it's best to keep your chin up and ignore the people making snide digs. Remember, you're the professional here, not them. People make mistakes because hey, we're all human! The only things that can do things perfectly are computers (or Annie bot, she's scary). You and your team were good enough to get into the LCS and therefore you deserve to be there. It's just that you're learning to manage the pressures and the sudden spotlight that the LCS brings and when you're in the spotlight people think they have the right to judge you and what you're doing based on what they see. They don't know you personally (because I'm sure if they did they'd be a lot more pleasant).

    Sure, the harsh comments sting the most. Those are the ones which stand out and fester but for every hateful comment there's a chorus of other voices praising you and hoping that you all succeed and do your very best! Velocity as a team are interesting to watch and I have a lot of fun watching your games. Your supporters are just harder to hear because they're not keyboard warriors and are probably watching the games as opposed to hearing about what happened at the end.

    We've all struggled with bad thoughts in the past and as silly as it sounds staying positive is key. It sounds hard, maybe impossible, but it is. I think I can relate to you emotionally and I personally use strategising in LoL and playing games as a way to keep busy and be productive.

    Perhaps it's worth speaking to your brother if it's possible? Everyone experiences hate at some point but from what I can see you're a lovely person who doesn't deserve it. The community just needs to give you a chance.

    Best of luck!

    1. fiddlesticks bot is the only bot to ever murder me in coop vs AI and he did it like 10 times lol. Thanks for your advice and I think I'm a lot better now than I was before writing the blog. Thanks for your support.

  39. Man i respect you, I don't know why I'm saying this but I have had 2 close friends die in the same month this year and my other friend has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. NEVER be so down on yourself because trust me, you're only young and you have so much ahead of you. From my POV, it really does not matter what happens to you in life, or how successful you are; it's about how happy you are, focus on being happy and you shall succeed.
    You don't have to be smart to live life to the fullest and you should never doubt yourself. Remember bro, I'm 16 and I have had shit happen in my life that no one should go through but hey! I have a house, parents that are alive, friends, and food.
    Stay strong maple! Look forward to seeing you in upcoming events.

    1. I won't stop fighting till the very end.

  40. Maple! It's okay. The thing is, Reddit is a massive circlejerk of people saying what other people want them to say for upvotes. It means next to nothing and let me tell you something.

    The more haters you have, the more you know you've made it. Why? Because people love to hate that of which they are JEALOUS. Man, you're in the LCS! You will improve - of this I have no doubt. How many of these Bronze 5 kids wish to God they were you? Just for that one chance to say dang, I played in the mother fuckin LCS. Win or lose, I WAS THERE. A select, precious few people will ever get to say that alone.

    Winning is of course everyone's goal, one would imagine - eyes on the prize, but don't forget - we all of us have our burdens to bear, life can be a pretty bleak place sometimes - but words are words and they only have power *if you give them power*

    So ayo Maple, fuck them haters and do YOU.


    1. ayooo shit lcs is pretty exclusive until the year 2030 where 500 macdonald sponsored teams are in each region. fuck the haters <3

  41. Maple,

    You are a competitor. You strive to be the best at what you do. The harshest critic you have is yourself. There will be times when you will screw up, it is a fact of life. Learning how to stand back up, and take your first step forward after stumbling is always the hardest thing to do in any facet of life. However, after that first step each step gets that much easier. Like many people I watch the LCS, and I am envious that you play at the highest level of the game. With every team your going to make great as well as poor decisions. The key is always figuring out your mistakes and correcting them. We all know this, but its the execution of practice through solo queue and scrims which will help eliminate these mistakes. In an arena where players come and go, you have already started to make a name for yourself. You want fame, you want glory, it is yours for the taking. Show the other teams of the LCS your determination to win, and it will prevail. Your coming out of your shell as a player, evolving more into the player you are truly to become. Do not be discouraged by what others think, your team knocked out MRN because you proved that you were a better team than they were. VES rightfully earned their spot in the summer split, others who think differently can look at the scoreboard of VES vs. MRN as proof why you not only deserve but earned your spot.

    On a more personal note. Like others that have stated before me, I too have had many serious battles with depression and I will continue with it for the rest of my life. Some of the choices I have made in my life caused it, while at the same time factors out of my realm of control have contributed to my depression as well. To numb the pain of the world around me, I hit the bottle and I hit it hard. I spent almost an entire year of my life going in and out of a bar. I neglected my family, my friends, and the woman I was dating at the time. I have struggled with my demons (and will continue to struggle as the years roll on), but know this, there is always light at the end of the tunnel (for me it is waking up everyday knowing I am able to provide for and take care of my baby boy). Taking your own life would be the wrong choice in any scenario, walk the path that has been set forth for you. Although your path right now may be mired in darkness, there truly is light where you are headed. There is always positive in every situation, no matter how bad the outcome maybe. Find the positive in all facets of life, do not dwell on what you have done wrong or what went wrong it will only lead you to self destruct even more. Find something that drives you (in this case LoL), and discover in your own way how to excel even more so than what you have already accomplished. (Personally, being a pro-player is an astonishing achievement in itself; it's awesome to watch you play in the highest echelons of the game.) Set goals for yourself as well as your team, then fucking crush them. Set simple goals first, then make more complex ones as your season goes on. Write them down, and when you do achieve them show it to your friends, family, and the LoL community as well with an X through it plus "FUCKING CRUSHED!!" right beside it. (Plus as a fan, it would be cool to see a pic of something written down, crossed out with FUCKING CRUSHED beside it, just saying!!) Your friends, family, and the LoL community (minus the haters) are your biggest cheerleaders. Stand tall and stand proud good sir, great things are just around the corner.

    Even if you do not get the chance to read this it is still written for you (for those in VES as well) to know that we are your friends and we are here for you. Feel free to add me in league or on skype man, if you ever need someone to talk to or just vent to. League Name:Dumptime Skype:FattyMcFatts1539

    Keep fighting the good fight, and remember the best is yet to come.

    From a Fan,
    -Mitch (Dumptime)

    1. Thanks for your detailed advice, I'm always glad to hear stories of people who progressed from similar positions. I will take your advice to heart. <3 the best is yet to come indeed.

  42. Hey maplebro!

    Where is your Facebook? Your twiter and your youtube channel and twitch? I want to give you my love!

    You are cool and deserve every success you had. So enjoy it and fuck all the hate! You are my favourite "lowtier" team in LCS, because of YOU, the jungle, the little bro of oddone, equaly as fun, equaly as skilled.

    My english suck as your word picking. But just to let you know, you are having succes, you deserve it, you are cool, we like you :)

    Fuck haters, fuck SK.


    1. maplestreetlol for twitter and facebook and

      fuck SK xDDD thanks for your support.

  43. Maplestreet just became my second favorite player NA.

    I'm not going to wall of text you, instead all I am going to say is that you seriously inspired me. You went from being Gold one year ago to being in the LCS. That is in-fucking-credible. I am 27, married, and I have a 3 year old. I could NEVER be in the LCS and yet you made me feel like if you work hard enough, who knows?

    1. :x glad im inspirational. I wish you success in whatever you choose to do.

  44. Maple, I know you are a mixed bag of emotions, and I want to keep away from saying anything cliche, but I want you to know that I'm a big fan of yours (even my friends make fun of me for a velocity fan) and I wish you the best in the coming weeks. You guys really do look show streaks of brilliance in every game, but you just having trouble closing. The playoffs is what really matters, and I am looking forward to watching you grow as a player and person. Again, good luck in the future, and no matter what, I will always be a frommaplestreet fan.

    1. yeah hope we can make our fans proud soon (and go to worlds and crush all those inferior regions muhaha)

  45. Before reading this I knew little about you and hardly paid attention but after reading the part where you stated you've attempted suicide.. Really hit me dude. I may be some random you'll never know and I don't know if it'll mean much but I really respect that you have the balls to put out something as personal as that to the public. I hope y'all turn this around and prove to the world that you guys aren't what people have made you out to be. You've just gotta try and ignore everyone talking shit.. I know it's hard but think about it this way.. They are sitting at home behind their computer talking shit about someone they don't know while you're playing at the highest of competition in North America. Keep your head up dude, really hope you guys turn it around.

    1. well I feel less fake now that more than like 2 people know what I'm really like :p. Thanks for your support.

  46. Sup mapleqt,

    I know you've gotten a billion responses now, and maybe you won't read this, but if you do..

    You're not alone. A lot of people battle depression. It's an incredibly common thing. I've suffered through it most of my life, even some Riot employees (IronStylus made a huge post about it, once) have. But please, don't give up. Sometimes, life just copies off of League of Legends - there's so many unique scenarios that you have to think on your feet and you can't just judge one person's experiences to another person's experiences because they are never the exact same.

    Just remember, the vocal minority always outweighs the silent majority, but that doesn't make them the majority that thinks that way. I, personally, saw you on the S2 ladders, and I saw Cris, and I loved how both of you played and I spectated a lot of games. When I heard you guys made it to LCS, I was happy, not just because I'd get to see more games of you but because I think you guys in particular deserved it. There's probably a lot more people out there who think like I did.

    Keep on fighting, maplebro. No matter what happens now, your life will forever be different because you made it to the LCS; and if you don't allow yourself to just enjoy it, depressed or not, then in the future, you'll have regrets. A lot of people care for you, whether you realise it or not - and if your depression interferes with your life, it's time to do something about it.

    Love, a fan.

    1. Thanks for your advice, I'd write more but I've been reading for 3 hours. I feel it more than ever now that I'm not alone. Thanks for your support.

  47. Don't let the internet community get to you. Reddit or else, it doesn't matter how well or bad you do, there will always be the same douchebags to try and get to you. My word of advice, brush it off, keep practicing and live up the dream. You're young with a lot of potential ahead of you, make the most out of it and don't stop until you're truly happy with who you have become, and above all, don't let anyone tell you how to feel. Keep it true.

  48. You're a good player dude ,dont let the hate get to you , its just a temporary thing , everytime a team starts doing bad keyboard warriors and internet trolls start hating, just look at curse , ppl hating on cop and saint like mad , but as soon as they win a couple of games the public opinion its gonna be like "ooooh boy look at cop he op edward school too strong and shit" hate comes and goes but every team has a core of followers that doesn't go anywhere so just focus on that and keep doing you thing.
    pd:not a native english speaker sorry if bad grammar.

  49. Hey Maple,

    I feel myself gaining more and more respect for you the more I see you play. You have talent. Forget SK's article, Velocity is in the LCS for a reason. Don't be so hard on yourself based on all the hate the Internet is giving you. And don't at all think that all the hate is being directed solely towards you. Hate is just part of what being on the Internet is. Get up and brush yourself off. Keep practicing, you've got a great team with you. Most importantly, keep living the dream. If things don't exactly turn out the way you wanted, at least you can say you competed in the LCS, which is something I bet alot of people wish they could say. Keep your head up Maple~

  50. Hey Maple,

    It's wayne what anyone is saying! Just keep your work on and everything will go in the right direction! You're a good player eventhough you're doing some mistakes, but keep in mind that mistakes happening! Without any mistakes in the game there can't be a winner, because nothing goes wrong. Just keep calm and let the haters gonna hate! Who are these guys which are hateing you? They didnt achieve anything in life, they are not even GOLD V Elo or something like this and talk about you! Just keep practicing with your team and the victory will come very soon! I'am a hella huge fan of Velocity, you and Cris! And don't think you have no friends and don't think that you're alone! Clear your mind and get the right mindset into the positiv and you will see! You have a big brother who's always there for you and you know this! If you have any problems and you can't talk about your problems with anyone, go to oddone! I'am sure, he's there for you an help you out! Keep your head up ma buddy !


    Marvin aka. GIVE AVO on EUW

  51. I have been depressed large parts of my life so I think I know how you feel, though every depression is different I have contemplated suicide numerous times myself and was even close to going through with it once, so I really don't know what to say, just hang in there and hopefully it'll get better, keep streaming and keep your hopes up bro !

    1. It's getting better for me, I hope it does for you too. Sorry I can't be much help.

  52. You know you've made it somewhere when you have so many haters. Now just to learn to say fuck the haters.

    It's not how hard you can troll, it's how hard you can get trolled and keep moving forward.

  53. 1. Maple, you’re not ugly. I understand that confidence is an issue, I suffer from lack of confidence too, and the internet can be a mean place but you’re not ugly! You have an awkward-cute thing going on (that is a compliment).

    2. No friends? Well, you have your team, aren’t they your friends? You guys should definitely be supporting each other and while individually you make mistakes in games, everything rests on the teams shoulders as a whole I think. Us fans are in a way, your friends too. Many people love you maplestreet, and while it’s easy to forget that when there is so much hate visible, don’t ever forget that.

    3. SAIT isn’t a college for dummies, imo. I go to NAIT (while yes it is a bit different) and it’s awesome. I’m cheering for you, as a fellow Albertan. I’m happy to see that someone else is living my dream of being in the LCS. There are so many people who would love to be in your shoes right now, maple. I’m happy for you.

    4. You should start streaming, vlogging, etc, so we can get to know you more! I am sure if you did you would see a lot more support and positivity from the community. I want to know more about maplestreet and I am sure a lot of other people do. :)

    Like Lux would say, “Stay Positive!” ;)

    1. I'm just a whiner I guess, i didn't reallly mean it that way I just felt like that few people knew what I really was like and a lot of them feel physically distant to the point where when I'm having a standard convo to other people online I felt fake ._. though it's getting better

  54. Maple you are not ugly D: I think you are adorable :3 <3

    But seriously, people will always hate you for no reason, it's hard to please everyone. If you didn't deserve to be in LCS you wouldn't be there. Your best days are ahead of you and I know you guys will do well.

    Reddit often jumps on the bandwagon when it comes to hating something, the pack mentality kind of thing. So don't sweat what other people say. You're in LCS, what are they doing, not playing video games for a living :p

    I know how you feel about the suicide thing, i've battled with depression for a few years now and it's really changed me as a person (and i'm only 19 ;_;), but it always gets a little better, albeit slowly sometimes.

    Best of luck in the future maple <3 :3

    Ima flair up for VES

    1. <3 maybe we'll get some actually funny trash talk in the weekly trashtalk thread.

  55. Maple I think you're doing very well! You have so much skill and I just love watching you play. I believe you and your team have the potential to make it to the top. It will take time and practice but I can see it happening. It will happen.
    Don't listen to all of the negative comments from people. They don't understand how hard it can be or the mass amount of pressure and stress you can get from playing on a pro team. Screw what SK Gaming says, Velocity deserves to be in the LCS. The team made it there for a reason and I will always support you guys.
    You do not deserve to be treated so badly. You do not deserve the hate. You deserve endless amounts of support and love.. and your fans are giving that to you. No matter what happens, your fans will always be here for you. We are your friends Maple. :3
    As a person who has been depressed and has problems with public speaking, it will get better I promise you that.
    Keep you chin up, love.

    And for the record, you are not ugly. I think you are cute and adorable. (:

  56. im not the biggest fan but i hate to see that other people harrass u to the point that u dont feel good, Velocity is not my favourite team but i still want all the teams to be at their best and feel good about playing in the lcs and feel good about themselves

  57. It is pretty sad that this community is fine with destroying our pros. We throw out terrible language and say that it is normal in other sports. To be fair, it does happen in other sports BUT, in the E-Sports world they interact with us a lot more. They read our comments and they read Twitch chat. Can we just support them? Can WE be better?

  58. Hey man, don't be like that. I come from reddit. And I'm starting to think that I really should write more, just to prove some guys wrong.

    The fact that the stupid little kids are loudest, doesn't mean that everyone thinks that. In fact, I'm pretty sure that most of the community simply stopped writing shit because there are little kids. And I, personally, don't want to deal with them.

    I've been rooting for you since your first week of LCS, and I was pretty happy with your wins. Your games are REALLY fun to watch.

    Just... thanks for the show, man. And don't worry too much for the kids. They're just kids.

    Good luck in your oncoming matches.

  59. VES once the joined the LCS has always been my 2nd Favorite team. (Behind TSM). I Think that you guys are great team, I Believe that you should try to run the Janna W/ TP and Jungle EZ comp more. You were my inspiration to be a better ADC. I think that you guys will soon start to move up in the ladder. Don't worry about what people think about. Cause there will always be the ass holes. Just ignore them, I know its hard. But is it for the better. Stay Strong my friend. I look forward to what you and VES can bring out in the coming weeks

  60. Maple man where do I begin. Velocity is one of my favorite teams, TSM fan for a long time. Even when you guys play against them I'm also cheering for you guys. Velocity, to me, is the team that is made up of the average joe that got into the LCS. I watch you guys for innovation in the NA scene because you guys bring the picks that people would not normally play. I'm on reddit quite a bit and I don't post much, but bro keep your head up man. There a thousands of people that would love to be in your spot, me included, keep living the dream and show them that VES is a team to fear. I believe you guys can become the best of the best. Win and lose as a team not as individuals. After all the game is League of Legends not legend. Keep it up and turn it around bro me and my friends will be cheering you on!

  61. This rant/explanation article blog thing is pretty much my first impression of who you are as a person, and I think I've gained a lot of respect. It's one thing to root for someone because they're the underdog, or Oddone's brother, but it's something else completely to root for someone once you actually know who they are. You seem so passionate about this, and from what I've seen you have the talent to go as far as anyone else. Don't let others put you down, and realize that there will never be a 100% positive approval rate for anything or anyone. You know yourself better than anyone on Reddit or anywhere else, so just follow that passion and will and see where you end up. You were a favorite of mine the second you entered the scene, and this only solidifies my opinions of you. Let's see some more wins in the future, everyone knows you have it in you.

  62. Maple, I greatly admire that you had the balls to come out and be open with how you're feeling and some of the things you've struggled with. Don't be so hard on yourself, you're relatively new to the pro scene it seems and, while your team isn't winning, you're doing just fine.

    I think some perspective might do you some good. I understand that this is a job to all of you pro-gamers and you're getting paid to do what you do, but at the end of the day, it's just a game. It's meant to be fun and because e-sports has thrown so much money at gamers we all sometimes forget that.

    Enjoy what you're doing, you're playing a video game for a living after all! Don't let anyone else dictate how you're going to feel about what you're doing.

  63. To those talking about how he shouldn't make posts like this due to his professional status - who are you to say what pros can or cannot post? They too have the liberty of expressing their thoughts and/or feelings, regardless of how famous they are or aren't. Telling him to "grow up" is absolutely ridiculous. Are you implying that only young or immature people have problems? That adults aren't allowed to publicly talk about their issues? By expressing his thoughts like this, he's fully acknowledging his mistakes and also what he needs to improve on, as well as sharing some personal experiences with his fans that might either help him feel some form of relief or inspire his fans to work as hard as he is. By doing this, he IS respecting himself. Besides, he doesn't need to conform to anyone's ridiculous standards for being a person.

    Also, it's not as if this is an inappropriate place to express his thoughts. This is his personal blog. Personal.

    Depression is something that is so common. In the United States, the lifetime risk of a depressive episode severe enough to warrant treatment is approximately 18 percent. Put another way, in the past 12 months, 6.7 percent of U.S. adults experienced a major depression. Yet it's tabooed - nobody wants to talk about it. But why? Why avoid talking about it when it affects so many, hurts the lives of so many? It's very brave of you to share your experience with depression and suicide. Often, people will think they're alone in fighting against depression or suicide because it's difficult to find people around you who will talk to you about it. As someone of notable recognition, it's admirable for you to share your experiences because we, as fans, can see that despite what you've been through, you were still able to fight so hard and actually earn a spot in the LCS. Which is amazing, in my opinion.

    To say that he should be used to hateful messages just because he's in LCS is just a poor excuse for your actions. LCS is not an excuse for you to hate on people. NO ONE deserves this kind of bashing. If you're going to use his fame as your shitty reason for behaving poorly, maybe you should stop harassing him and start focusing and reflecting on yourself instead. Anybody who posts hateful messages toward other people obviously has some issues of their own that they need to work on.

    Maplestreet is doing something amazing, and y'all need to lay off his back and let him pursue his goals. We need more people who are willing to work so hard for things they're passionate about. So good on you, maplestreet.

  64. Aww. Love you, Yung Maple! Keep your head up.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. u know ur problems ... u know that you are depressed ... that is a true disease ... its terrible and u need help ... maybe also "feel good pills" ... but cmon GO GET HELP BRO

    and reddit ... all those "haters" ... u really care about? most of them are RL-Loser with no friends, skill and fame. you have acomplished more as they EVER will. be proud of that!

  67. Thank you for trusting us enough to be so open with us. I respect you enormously for telling us about your depression.

    Don't ever let anyone invalidate your experiences.

    Keep your head up; we love you!

  68. Maple street please contact me I'm studying to be a recreational therapist and i'd love to talk to you. I wouldn't charge a thing and hopefully i can help make a difference. Don't feel like people don't care... WE DO!!

  69. I hope you've seen Gregidot (Sky's) video, we all love you :>, everyone has haters dude.

  70. "Don't listen to dem haters!" From Sky

    Maple, think about how much experience your team has? Not that much. League of Legends isn't getting any smaller, you still have time to practice and become better than you are from this split. Most people say "Oh This guy is SHIT!" But I know that if you were to play against those bronze players you'd kick their faces in. Think about how terrible they are. They wouldn't even have a chance against you and your team. I think if you truly believe and work hard enough (as, professinal gamer is your job) you can become better than any team in NA. I believe maple! Don't let other people, or most importantly yourself down.
